Harvesting Rue Page 7
“Hush now,” he said, as gently as he could. His eyes kept traveling to his mark on her thigh and it caused a distressing amount of need. Isari could not remember feeling this desire for any other pet he had owned over the centuries. His big hand rested on a breast and began lightly squeezing. “It is a good marking, Rue. I have positioned it perfectly. And even with your jumping, it did not smudge in the slightest. The edges are crisp.”
“Oh god, you bastard. Let me go,” she wailed.
Isari soaked up her agony. The pain in her features was extraordinary, and he hoped he could calm her quickly and have the Yatlin see to his own needs. While he brushed his thumb across her nipple, his other hand caressed down her stomach, between her thighs and the fleshy lips of her bared pussy. Her skin was soft but with texture… nothing like that of an Alidan or the smoothness of the androids. His finger began traveling up and down her folds and he was pleased to feel her juices released. Isari was ecstatic at the quick response to his stroking. He had been slightly doubtful that Ebby’s report had not exaggerated somewhat.
“Stop. Please,” Rue moaned, and she closed her eyes. Oh, god. Her nipples were on fire, and lava pooled on the table where it leaked from her core. The touch of his finger stroking through her juices was electrifying the insides of her labia until she pushed up into his hand. Pins lanced her nipples with sharp bursts of pleasure. Rue was infused with passion, and she felt a frightening desire for his touch that she could not understand.
“Quiet pet. All is well,” Isari murmured while he stared at her slickening pussy. Her writhing was agonizing to watch, and he was ecstatic that her need for him was so great. “You wear a clean marking, and now you are assured a warrior will keep you safe.” His finger found the hole where the information said it would be. It seemed a little strange to hide it, but he decided on their planet it might have been a protective evolutionary alteration. He plunged into her tightness, mildly concerned about his cock lodging in the warmth until he felt her loosen and lubricate and the slight convulsions when he brushed her clit.
“Ooooh,” she gasped. Rue had seen the giant’s hands, and she could not fathom how he could brush the lightest of touches across the very tip of her clit. Thankfully, his finger was gently thrusting inside of her, stroking and caressing the squeezing walls and offering slight relief to her torment. Bottom muscles flexing, rising her hips off the bench as much as the restraints would allow… and still her poor mind could not figure out what had led her to this point. She was behaving like a wanton slut for him… or was it because it was him?
“Very good pet. See? The marking is almost forgotten,” he said.
Almost forgotten, hell. It burns like a son of a bitch. Rue did feel herself distracted by his stroking. She wanted him to stop, sort of. Another part of her wanted… no needed… to be caressed to climax. This made no sense to her. She was terrified of the warrior, and completely humiliated as her body responded.
“You see? The mark is already dissolving the compatibility saragus into your system.”
“Saragus… what?” Rue asked tearfully.
“They are unique to me, pet. They help your arousal when I am near so that you are more anxious to please me.” Isari shook his head. At times, his pet seemed to be able to understand her surroundings, but there was so much she did not know. The thought of her release on Lameria and the fear she would experience had him worried that she might retreat and be pulled from him. He watched her eyes flutter closed, and she gasped and pushed into his hand. Such a quick eruption. He was tempted to allow her another, but he decided she needed to rest.
The Yatlin walked in, and Rue trembled until she saw that the odd creature was not going to touch her. Instead, it leaned over the table and stared into her eyes while the warrior lowered his zipper and pushed into it. The yell of his release was almost triumphant… and Rue felt seething jealousy. What the hell is wrong with me?
“Go,” he ordered. He reassembled behind his breeches. Isari released Rue from the table and he helped her stand up. On shaking legs, she quickly scooped up the blanket and dashed into the main room. Rue hovered near the bed, while the warrior sat back in his chair.
She lifted the edge of the blanket to study a blue mark edged in gold. It looked more like a tattoo than the brand she had been expecting to see. It is sorta’ pretty. Her fingers gingerly outlined it, and she decided that it was not too painful any more. Rue had no idea that the feelings of acceptance were part of Isari’s saragus releasing into her system
Isari lifted his wrist and spoke into his thick cuff. “Varpin?”
“Yes, Commander?”
“How is your pet assimilating?”
There was a long pause before Varpin answered. “She became quite inflamed with passion after her marking, but as soon as I freed her from the table, she dashed into the main room and has wedged herself under the sleeping pallet. I’m trying to coax her out. How are you doing?”
Isari straightened and smiled at his pet, still studying her thigh. “She is quite attractive with her new marking and restraints, though she has grabbed the pallet sheet to shield herself. Apparently they chill easily with their fur removed and this seems important to her. Perhaps if you offer your pet a covering she will come out for you,” he suggested.
Rue finally registered that he was talking to the man that had taken Dawn. She ran to him and grabbed his wrist and screamed into his cuff, “Dawn? Dawn? Are you all right?”
In a far away muffled voice, she heard her friend wail, “Rue? Help me. Please, Rue. Help me.”
“I don’t know where you are,” Rue cried.
Isari was beside himself that his pet had so quickly figured out the communication device and that the other commission was on the other end of the transmission. “Varpin, I’m coming to your quarters.”
“Yes, Commander. I have already discovered that we have underestimated the species and need to reevaluate our findings,” Varpin agreed.
Isari pushed a button on a console over his desk, and a few seconds later a door slid open and he retrieved a thin cloth. With the flick of his wrists, he snapped it open and Rue stared at the green shift. It looked like it would cover mid-way down her thighs, and although she was not much for dresses, right now she would trade it for holding the blanket. She grabbed for it.
He pulled it out of reach and said, “You will follow me to Varpin’s quarters and I will give this to you. Do you understand, Rue?” Isari really liked the unusual name. It seemed to fit his curious pet.
Rue held back from spouting one of her usual smart-ass replies, and she decided after listening to the transmission it might be wiser not to let them know how much deductive reasoning she possessed. She did not trust herself to speak, so she nodded instead. When he attached the leash, she seethed quietly and she studied the room while he placed the metal harvesting cuffs into the console, presumably to send them back to the other ship.
The bed was a large, metal affair, with four posts attached to the ceiling and an end table with a strange lamp. There were two doors that had no handles, a few chairs and small sofa with a table between them, a large wardrobe… with a cage set beside it. Oh, hell no. Her eyes circled back to the desk in front of her, and as the tall man stood she looked at the ceiling. It too was metal, and it appeared to be a solid sheet.
“Come,” his deep voice ordered, and he touched the pad by the door with his thumb. It slid open. Rue followed him into the corridor, still clutching her blanket. She tried to remember the turns so that she could make her way back to Dawn. It seemed they had merely crossed two halls down, and almost directly across from the room she had left. She had not noticed the stares from the other warriors while Isari beamed and led his new commission passed them. It took months to train the Alidans to lead.
They stopped before the door and Isari knocked. Varpin opened the portal and they entered, and Rue quickly studied a room identical to the one she had just left. Varpin’s hair was disheveled from running his hands throug
h it in frustration, and he stared in confusion at Isari’s pet. He already had her leading, and his commission was still under the sleeping pallet.
“Dawn?” Rue looked around the room and she remembered the conversation about her being under the bed. She reached up and unhooked the leash… at least that latch was not hidden… and dashed over to the pallet and looked under it.
Isari and Varpin stared at the empty, hanging leash in amazement, and it took a moment for them to look over to where the pet was trying to coax out Varpin’s commission. “Shit, she could have taken off down the corridor,” Isari whispered.
“Whatever you told her must have made her want to follow you,” Varpin replied. “Isari, they have decidedly more reasoning than we had thought.”
“Get a shalu for your pet. It’s what I used to get Rue to follow.”
Varpin pushed the buttons on his console and turned back to the Commander. “Rue?”
“That is what my pet has been named, and I believe yours is named Dawn.” Varpin handed a blue garment to Isari. He thought the color matched his commission’s eyes. “Rue, bring this to Dawn,” Isari held out both shalus, and Rue walked cautiously towards him, snatched the garments, and ran back to the bed.
The warriors sat down in the chairs after Varpin poured them each a glass of sharigan, and they sipped it while they watched Rue talk Varpin’s pet out from under the pallet. “Perhaps your pet was the leader,” Varpin suggested. “Though our geographic findings had stipulated no two pets could be commissioned within a two hundred mile proximity to each other. They should not have met until they reached the harvesting vessel, so I wonder why it is so important to your pet to aid my commission?”
Rue was ignoring the two warriors while she looked at the wide blue eyes staring back at her. She held out the blue shift, and said, “Here, put this on. It’s not much, but it’s better than running around these guys naked.”
“God, Rue. They’re so big.” Dawn’s voice was trembling as much as the hand that reached out for the garment. She managed to shimmy into it, keeping her position under the bed and watching Rue disappear while she straightened.
The blanket around Rue’s thighs dropped and was replaced by the green shimmering dress, and then she peeked back under the bed. “Come out here, Dawn. We need to talk and the guys are sitting across the room.”
Dawn moved cautiously towards Rue, and her eyes met the warrior’s on the far side of the space. Rue took her hands and pulled her out, but she could not get her to leave the side of the bed, so they sat down on it. “You can’t stay under this thing forever,” Rue said.
“Bet me. If he doesn’t want me to starve, he can throw me food… and not that green goop, either,” Dawn declared. “Does that collar shock you?” She had not let Varpin change her restraints, and he had to turn the collar off and battle her to get her into the marking chamber.
“I don’t think so. And the leash he hooked to it opens with a regular latch.” Rue looked around the room and she glanced at the warriors. They were in a deep discussion and not paying attention to them, so she whispered to Dawn, “They’re taking us to someplace called Lameria. He said they were going to release us there. I think that will be our first chance to escape them, but as far as getting home I haven’t got a clue. I’m just hoping he leaves me alone until we get there.”
Dawn looked beside the wardrobe. “Does your room have a cage too?”
“Yes, and I’d just as soon he leave me in it until we get to Lameria. These guys think we have a room temperature IQ and they’re easily manipulated into thinking we can’t figure things out. If we act smart enough not to get into trouble and stupid enough not to plan an escape, they might really release us when we get there.”
Varpin stood and Dawn tensed, ready to shuttle under the bed again. She relaxed a little, but continued to stare at him when he walked to the console and pushed buttons. A bowl slid out of the opening, filled with strange colored fruit. He sat back down and placed the bowl on the carpet a few feet away from his chair.
“Rue, bring Dawn over and come eat,” Isari ordered.
At the mention of food, Rue’s stomach grumbled. “Come on.”
“No way. You go ahead; I’m not getting near them,” Dawn replied.
Rue slowly approached the bowl and she kept her eyes on the two men pretending to ignore her. She grabbed it and quickly ran back to Dawn. “Damn,” Varpin muttered.
Isari strode over to them, and while Dawn jumped to the corner he grabbed Rue’s collar and the bowl and dragged them both back by his chair. “I told you to bring Dawn here. Not bring the bowl to Dawn.” He put the bowl on the floor and, still holding the collar, he smashed his hand down on her bottom.
“Owe. You son of a bitch,” she screamed. The powerful hand crashed down again, and Rue balled up her fist and punched him in the groin.
“Shit,” Isari groaned, and he twisted so that her next strike glanced off his thigh. His pet attacked him?
“No preservation instincts, you son of a bitch?” Rue shrieked, still trying to hit his balls while the collar he gripped choked her.
Isari had no idea what he had done wrong. Food was the simplest of training methods, but it seemed his pet’s mind had snapped… and he had owned her for less than a day. As he twisted away from the demented girl’s flying fist, he saw Varpin rise and finally get hold of it.
Dawn ran over to the squirmish and jumped onto Varpin’s back, screaming, “Let her go. You just let her go, right now.” Her legs were wrapped around Varpin’s waist, and Dawn threaded her hands through his hair and yanked his head back with her fists wound tightly in the wild black strands.
Isari still had hold of Rue’s collar, and he reached out and grabbed the shalu and ripped it from her body, hoping the chill and her need to cover herself would outweigh her desire to maim him. Varpin reached behind him and likewise stripped his pet. At first, the girls continued to struggle, until Isari remembered they humiliated easily, and he said, “Varpin, I think the tits are bigger on your pet. They sure bounce around more.”
Rue stilled immediately and she glared up at him. This was not the look of humiliation he had predicted. It was seething fury. “Dawn, go back by the bed,” she said calmly.
Dawn quickly jumped off the warrior’s back and dashed back to the bed, grabbing the cover and wrapping herself in it. The men were eyeing each other uneasily, not sure how much to push things. They sure as hell did not want to upset the new pets so much they would be pulled. They only had them in their possession for a few hours, and already, without dropping on planet, reminiscent actions of a claiming had been initiated. They were fighting the desire to bind and train, and their arousal was complicating their ability to rationalize.
Rue took advantage of their confusion to rip out of Isari’s grip and she stormed back to Dawn, kicking the bowl of fruit on the way and snatching her blanket. The warriors’ eyes widened when the pet disrupted the food. No species walked away from nourishment when they needed to be fed.
“Maybe we should put them in the pets’ cages below,” Isari suggested nervously.
The warriors’ eyes had illuminated with an arousing shine. “No, Isari. It’s two days until we reach Lameria and they are already marked. The separation would be too debilitating and they need to stay near us for the bonding to continue. I think we should give them back shalus and cage them. We can give them food native to the planet and set a holograph in front of them showing them the landscape. Plug in references to edible plants so they can feed themselves when we arrive. I think they may give us an invigorating chase.”
Varpin studied Dawn who was trembling on the bed next to Rue, wrapped in the light blanket. “It worries me to release them,” he admitted. “They appear so fragile.”
Isari rubbed his bruised sack. “I think they’ll be fine. Actually, I think they will surprise us and do quite well. We may have found a species worthy of our brothers.”
Rue and Dawn crouched on the bed while one of the
men put a bar on the floor by the cage. He waved a hand over it and a translucent screen rose, and colorful pictures of a strange landscape appeared. A small bowl of fruit was placed inside the cage, along with another blue dress. The warriors walked back to the seating area.
“Well, I guess it’s pretty obvious what the deal is,” Rue said quietly.
“Do you think he’ll lock me in there and leave me alone?” Dawn asked hopefully.
“Hey, big guy. What’s the deal with the food and movie?” Rue called over to them.
Isari smiled at Varpin. “I told you my pet was curious,” he said proudly. He turned to the pretty blonde pet who was trying to protect her companion. “They are scenes of Lameria. We will be there soon, and we want to prepare you for the land and nourishment available to you for the chase.”
“What the heck is the chase, Rue?” Dawn asked nervously.
Varpin overheard his commission, and he was equally pleased that she had a curious nature. He straightened proudly, and replied, “You are released on planet until we capture you, and then you are claimed and trained to service our cocks.”
Rue and Dawn felt their mouths drop open on their hinges. “Rue, did he just say…”
“Yes… yes. That’s what he said. Shit, Dawn. I think we need to study this place so we can make damn sure we can hide or figure out a way to fight them. I think they’re going to leave us alone until this capture scenario is finished. Maybe it’s a warrior thing, but if they really are bound by it, it will buy us some time. It looks like they’ll keep us together when we’re released.”
“So, you think I should get into the cage?” Dawn asked.
Rue’s brows furrowed in concentration. “Other than the marking, I don’t think he’s allowed to touch you, and I think we need to both learn what we can. I’m hoping my guy has the same plans for me.”
Rue calmed Dawn as much as she could, and she snuck a piece of a lavender fruit. “Mmmm… strawberry.” It was a little tart, but she wanted to encourage Dawn to eat. They would need their strength to run when they were released.