Harvesting Rue Read online

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  She was pressing into his hand now, shimmying up and down with her need. The chains rattled when she pulled at her cuffs, and still the warrior stroked and coaxed her arousal with maddening caresses. “Please.”

  “Master,” he whispered into her hair.

  Other compatible species surrendered quickly to the warriors, relieved that they would have strong protection even if the intensity of their Master’s sexual demands could be frightening. Raised in the Realm and understanding their role in the scheme to keep things running smoothly, their commission to providing for a warrior honored their planet and promised it protection from rogues.

  Most of the harvesting species had no true protective battle skills, other than the Zillipias with their strange propensity to attack males. Still, it was only accomplished due to their ability to rapidly split and procreate their all-female race and overwhelm the males. As with most commissioned pets, they had no weapons and were defenseless. The curious dance between the protectors and the weaker companion species had been going on for so long that both had accepted their positions.

  This was not so in Rue’s case. She was an exotic, a Primitive from a world outside the Realm that would not receive protection in return for her companionship to the warrior. This uncomfortable truth was beginning to register to Isari, and he was learning that even his saragus was not melting through her pride. Yes, it is pride, he decided, reevaluating his decision that as a Primitive she could not possess this trait. Ah… but, she is not truly a Primitive. The shocking truth of this revelation stalled his caressing, and Rue pressed into him, craving his touch and confused by his abandonment.

  “You are a protector on your planet.” He whispered the thought out loud. She still had the trace of Lamerian blood in her veins, and it explained her ability and strengths for the strategically planned chase, as well as her use of weapons. No other species compatible for commissioning had employed these methods.

  “Some would argue that point,” Rue murmured. “We have armies and technical advancements, though the people running things seem hell bent on destroying the planet.”

  “Your bloodline has thinned. I remember legends of another planet on the edge of the Realm where the species that inherited traits to take care of the land became overpowered with their greed to exploit resources. By the time the hierarchy realized the corruption, it was too late. The planet withered and died before we could step in and try to migrate survivors to another suitable environment.” Isari remembered the despondency archived from Harvesting, the protective warriors, and even the Royals, from the loss of the species.

  Isari began stroking her sides and breasts again, and listened to her contented sigh. She was not disavowing his mastery. On her planet, apparently males and females could share the role of protector, and it was the only hierarchy she had ever known. “How will you protect yourself, Rue? You have seen only a small selection of what is in the Realm. I can teach you our technology. You have good instincts of survival and battle. I can teach you how to empower these traits.”

  Rue looked up, desire pooling in her dark eyes. “I could be a warrior?”

  Isari chuckled softly. “I think you are already a warrior, Rue. Ignorance of our advanced equipment does not belie the fact that strength and pride are embedded in your soul. Still, even you must acknowledge that you are outmaneuvered with our technology. You do not know our weaponry, and you do not yet have the ability to shield yourself or fly out of harm’s way in space transport. You are just now learning our communication system should you need to call for help. This is not a weakness, Rue. It is merely a lack of education. You need a Commander to teach you these things.”

  “Then I can call you Commander,” Rue rationalized.

  Isari sighed. “You can call me Commander, or Isari,” he agreed. “But, Rue, you will call me Master.”

  Rue stared at his chest and tilted her head forward until she leaned against his sinewy muscles. “No.”

  “It is a companionship, Rue. I cannot be a Master without one to protect. You cannot protect yourself without a strong Master watching over you. There is not one without the other. I want the pride of caring for you while you make your astonishing discoveries. New worlds will be available for you, and instead of searching blindly I can show you these wonders… like the chatrons in the quartz pool.”

  At the mention of the nibbling pleasure fish, Rue felt her channel clench. The vibrator in her nightstand back home would become buried in the back from non-use if she had chatrons available. Then, there were animals like the hizbins and vistans that would have petrified her had Dawn not studied them closely enough to understand their use. Rue had disregarded the animals when she studied the holograph for places to hide. There was a confusing bounty of colorful food, some unbelievably delicious and sweet, some lethal with a single bite. Isari was right. Even on this planet she would not last long. Rue had no idea if they had seasons that promised harsh frozen winters, or summers of draught and singeing heat.

  “I wouldn’t have to call you that in front of other people, would I? I mean, just when we’re alone.”

  Isari lifted her chin. “Especially around others. I want them to see that my beautiful commission trusts me, and has accepted my offer to protect her.”

  The words twisted Rue’s preconceived thought of a Master, melting away the fear and power of losing self-control, and allowing the notion of his own sacrifice and commitment to keep her safe while she explored and learned. “You think I’m beautiful?”

  “Oh, Rue. How can you not see the desire in my eyes? Can you not feel my need in the stiffness of my cock? Never has an exotic stirred such emotions, tightening my balls in your presence. You are a frustrating enigma that has me captivated.”

  The words might be somewhat crude, but even Rue recognized words of devotion and love when she heard them. The warrior had never lied to her, and most of her painful experiences came from her lack of knowledge of their society. Even the marking hurt for only a moment, and Isari certainly went out of his way to make her forget the pain.

  Rue remembered her talk with Imeria. You’re sure he’s not going to hurt me? The passion and desire seemed to shine in the ancient face. Oh, he’ll hurt you all right. It will be delicious. The mothers were not weak, and they were guarded over and tended to as if they were the rarest of treasures. It was clear in their wistful smiles that they missed the days when their warriors claimed them.

  Isari remained silent, allowing her time to assimilate the information and logic of the hierarchy and the need of Lameria. She was not pulling away from him. Indeed, she was practically purring against his chest while he petted her. The warrior felt a pride with his ability to keep his exotic calm enough to digest the strange world she was in. Strange, and yet her true home.

  Rue tried the word. “Master,” she whispered. It was not the horrible admission she anticipated. Lightening and thunder did not roar from outside. The boulders of the cave did not crash around her. She did feel Isari stiffen, his whole body responding to her agreement. Rue looked into his eyes and said in a slightly stronger voice, “Master.” It seemed impossible the warrior could look larger, filled with even more fierce pride than what was his natural countenance.

  His hand dropped to her chin and a thumb brushed her cheek. “Rue. My Rue.” Isari lowered his mouth to hers, needing the unfamiliar war between their tongues again, battling silently in the liquid cavern of slick teeth and warm muscles, exploring, and each of them demanding passion and control. He would never have his fill of this feeling. In a nagging recess of his mind, Isari accepted the mission of returning these women to his brothers.

  He had intended to whip her into submission, yet it seemed their words and stroking tongues had accomplished a more complete binding trust then any lash would elicit. Whipping could come later. For now, Isari needed to be inside of her. If merely tasting her mouth was this incredible, he could not fathom the wonders of lodging his cock in her sheath. He released her cuffs and collar fr
om the wall and scooped her up into his arms. Rue laughed. At her size, this was not something men back home would attempt. He laid her on the sleeping pallet and stretched out beside her.

  Rue let her fingers slowly touch his chest and arms. His skin was warm and smooth, and she became emboldened, caressing and squeezing and running her fingers over the armbands circling biceps as large as her thighs. He was a magnificent creature, frightening and fierce against his enemies. Not to her. Rue belonged to him, and the saragus purred in her veins, demanding to be rejoined with its host.

  Rue’s fingers traveled lower, over a tight stomach and still lower… to his majestic thick staff. Her muscles cramped with arousal, pulsing with an overwhelming desire for him. Letting her thumb stroke down the soft crown of his erection, she spread the hot juice leaking from inside and coating the velvety smoothness. The thought of his size pushing into her gave her a fleeting remembrance of the tests on the harvesting vessel.

  As cruel as that frightening initiation had been, Rue understood Ebby’s unlikely compassion. No matter how psychologically compatible the Procurement Officer decided the species was, Ebby never would have let Rue commission to Isari if he could have physically damaged her. This gave her both the confidence to continue her exploring and a shiver when she considered that in a few generations the women on her planet might have been too small to be rejoined with the Lamerian warriors. A flashing surge of anger at the Royals filled her, and then desire swept the feeling away.

  Isari was enraptured with her touch, something no other species shared with them. Other pets were far too intimidated to initiate stroking their Master. Isari’s hand caressed down her back, brushing her pelt while he enjoyed the sensations. When her small hand tried to cup his sack, he gasped an inhaled breath. “You will not punch me,” he ordered in weak demand.

  Rue kissed his chest. “I will not punch you.” His reactions were curious, as if no one had ever touched him. Confidence flooded through her, and Rue smiled to herself as she realized Imeria was right. Rue was seducing the claiming, and her poor Master was helpless. She kissed her way lower, enjoying his quivering trembles while her hands… it took both of them… caressed his tight ball sack and brushed up and down his shaft.

  The first tentative sweep of her tongue across the tip of his shaft caused an intense reaction from both of them. The taste of his salty fluid was unique, and the saragus in her veins demanded more. From Isari came a painful groan, and a fist threaded through her hair forcing his cock further into her mouth while his other hand gripped the pallet sheet.

  Rue felt her lips stretched to impossible proportions, remembered the harvesting tubular torment, and she panicked and tried to retreat. Seeing no recourse and running out of air, Rue slowly squeezed his sack until he gasped and the pressure on her head loosened. “Easy, big guy. It might take a while for me to get used to this. Our sizes are a little out of whack, though it is something we can adjust to.”

  Isari groaned. “I’m sorry. I never felt…” Words evaded him.

  “Me neither, Isari. Please, let me work my way around this a few times until I get used to you.”

  “I will try, Rue. My cock needs the relief of claiming,” he admitted.

  Rue swung her legs over his hips, and when she raised high above him she noted the head of his cock still brushed her pussy. Oh, shit. This is going to be a tight squeeze. At the first touch of the mingling saragus from their sex, her pussy clenched and tried to suck him in while her knees buckled with their quivering. Rue braced her hands against his stomach to keep from impaling herself too quickly.

  While she concentrated on fighting her desire and the need to have him fill her, slowly lowering and sliding up and down his shaft and taking more of him into her, she looked up at his face and smiled. The tormented features were screaming passion, and the warrior’s eyes never left her face while his lower lip trembled. She glanced at his fists, clenching the pallet sheet so tightly that she was surprised it had not ripped.

  There was a strange sensation of her muscles loosening, her channel widening to accept him, sliding lower until she was fully seated and their groins rested on top of each other. The slow beating pulse of her cavern began to undulate along his shaft, and Rue moved her hands from his belly and pried his grip loose from the sheet. She placed his hands around her waist, resting them on her hips, and she began a comfortable ride up and down his cock.

  His grasp tightened around her waist, and an involuntary need had him lifting and lowering her in a building frenetic pace. He was groaning and panting heavy breaths, trying to keep the motion at an even pace, but his cock was demanding release. It had been too long.

  Rue leaned forward and rested her hands on his shoulders. She whispered against his lips, “It’s okay. You’re not hurting me.” Her lips dropped onto his and he raised his knees, locking her bottom in place while his hands forced her up and then slammed her down with a wet, sucking slaps. The driving need for him was an incredible sensation, a passion far more intense than Rue had ever experienced. How could she ever have wanted to escape her warrior?

  She felt the contracting desire of millions of nerves gripping around him, coaxing and milking both of them until they erupted with screams that echoed off the stone walls. After the last jerking expulsion of his fluid hit her cervix, Rue collapsed on top of him, stretching her legs the length of the pallet on the outside of his thighs. She nuzzled into his neck while his arm wrapped around her and pulled her close. “I am claimed,” she sighed in contentment.

  Chapter VIII


  In the morning, Isari woke to fingers feathering strokes on his chest and running through his hair. Rue had her elbow bent, and she rested her head on her hand while she smiled down at him. She was still in awe that this warrior held such devotion for her. “I heard something from the transport a little while ago. It might be Ebby’s antidote.”

  Isari pulled her onto him, deciding the wonderfully strange feeling of joining their mouths would be a good way to begin his day. It led to a predictable tightening of her nipples, liquid sliding down her channel, and his turgid member growing along her thigh. Isari rolled her onto her back, carefully lifting his weight off her. He knelt between her spread thighs and let his thumb stroke down her wet slit.

  “Oh god, Isari.” Rue squirmed against his hand and the finger rubbing her clit.

  “Master,” he corrected.

  “Whatever,” Rue sighed.


  “Fine. Master.” Anything to keep him happy and stroking, she decided.

  Isari lifted his wet fingers to his mouth and licked her taste. This was another unique experiment, and he groaned and pushed back to the end of the pallet, gripping her thighs and dragging her with him.

  “What the hell?” Rue gasped. At the first swipe of his tongue, she shrieked. “Oh god,” she hissed.

  Isari feasted on the honeyed cream, exploring her slick folds and holding onto a fleeting thought to suggest the outrageous maneuver to Varpin… if he had not already made the unique discoveries with his own pet. Pet? No, these are our true companions. They will not be taken when the commissioning is over. These are our women, he realized. Isari stood up and looked down at Rue with such a shocked expression from this realization that if Rue had not been so frustrated at losing the fulfillment of her impending climax she would have registered his fear.

  For the first time in his life, Isari was petrified. Rue finally noticed his panic. “Isari? Master, what’s wrong?”

  “You are mine.”

  “We settled that last night, Isari.”

  “No, Rue. You are mine.” Isari collapsed beside her on the bed and Rue sat up, climbing onto his lap and wrapping an arm around his back.

  “Yes, Isari. I’m yours.”

  “But, you are not a pet, Rue. You are mine,” he repeated. “You are my companion.” Isari’s eyes swept his cavern, picking out weaknesses for defense. It was a woefully unprotected place he had brought her
to. He dumped her on the bed and ran his hands over the entrance.

  “Isari? Isari, what’s wrong?”

  “You are my woman. I have left you unprotected,” he panicked.

  Rue laughed. The warrior was distraught to a point of true terror. “Isari, we are fine. Check your holograph. I bet the Nidell has already arranged for battleships to surround us.”

  Rue shrugged into her shalu and gazed at the gorgeous bronze male still trying to figure out ways to strengthen his fortress. “Come on. We need to release the antidote.”

  Isari continued to glance nervously at the entrance while he dressed, as if he expected an army of Royals to come into the cavern with lasers blasting. He held Rue behind him as he exited the cave to release the antidote. Four warriors had set up a crude camp on the ground outside. The protection and commitment to renew and preserve their species had begun.

  “Telan,” Isari gasped in relief. He looked around. “Thank you, brothers.”

  Rue hid behind Isari, completely unnerved by the adoration directed towards her from the warriors. She glanced down at their sides. “I thought you didn’t have weapons on Lameria.”

  “We don’t usually arm ourselves, but we keep a large stockpile in the backroom of the bar in case of attack,” Maripan informed her. “All on-planet warriors are now armed, and the Varentha and Callesa are in orbit as we speak. They have sent more brothers to the surface to aid us, and the rebels have gathered the vistans and hizbins to distribute. You and your Master are well protected, Rue.”

  The first time she heard the term rolled casually off the warrior’s lips she realized that she was being honored… not demeaned by admitting her submission. “Thank you. I’m sure Isari… my Master… is also grateful for your protection.”