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Harvesting Rue Page 13
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Page 13
“She speaks the truth,” Isari replied. It was a slight blow to admit he was not positive he could protect her on his own. “This feeling of loss is overpowering.”
“You will not lose her, Commander,” Telan vowed. “We have been too long without our true companions, and I assure you there is this uncomfortable fear of loss rippling through all our ranks. It will serve to make our commitment stronger,” he predicted.
“Is Varpin…”
“Varpin has been apprised of the situation. He rose from claiming long enough to work with Commander Farvell to arrange the strategy of the battleships, and is comforted with a force of four watching over his chamber. We have posts spread within an hour’s ride along the trail to the transport area,” Maripan informed them.
Isari held up the vial. Such a small tube to accomplish what they thought to be impossible. The warriors’ eyes gazed at the container, and Isari’s arm swept down and he released it to smash open against the rocks. “To our salvation, brothers.”
“Here, here.” The emotional cheers of hope erupted, and Rue felt like crying.
The relief from the warriors’ depression lifted like a dark cloud, and she could truly feel the desperation the fierce men had been born to. She also felt a fluttering low in her belly. Color drained from her face, and she whispered, “Isari… Master… I need to see Imeria.”
Isari was prepared to argue at the danger when he saw the expression on her face. “You are okay? Rue, what is wrong?” He searched the rocks and sand in front of them. “Do you sense danger?”
“No, Isari. I need to speak with your mother,” she said quietly, floating her hand over her stomach.
“It will take a moment to arrange your escort,” Telan said. “Have your breakfast and we will prepare for the journey.”
By the time they finished eating, Rue recognized the faces of the warriors that had assembled. “Is your side healing?” she asked the rebel leader.
He knelt… literally knelt… in front of her. Serpan took her hand and held it to his forehead. “It will be a scarring mark I will wear with pride. It is the first marking showing my brothers that our strong women have returned to us.”
Okay… bit of an attitude change from the other day. “I would be happy to mark you any time, Serpan.” Rue smiled sweetly, and the rebel leader released her hand and scrabbled out of reach.
“Perhaps I will wait for my own companion to make the next mark,” he suggested.
They rode towards the Birthing Temple, and when they arrived Isari was surprised when he was told to accompany Rue. He stared at the ancients in wonder as his numbed legs stumbled behind Rue to a woman lying on a pallet. Imeria smiled and rolled onto her side. She reached out and ran a thin hand through Isari’s hair. “You have brought much joy to us, my son.”
Isari stilled and carefully covered her hand with his. He absorbed her love… a feeling he had not experienced since he was three days old. The sensation was embedded within his soul and he realized this had been a bonding gift she had given him during their short time together. “I was so lucky, mother. We almost bypassed the primitive species.”
“You were brave and stubborn enough to go with your instincts, Isari. I knew from the moment you were born that you were special.” Imeria looked at Rue. “Pregnancy lasts but a few months, Rue. The babes are born small and fragile, but they grow quickly.”
“You know?”
“All mothers recognize their own, Rue. Do not be fearful. Nature has allowed us a delivery that is not too extreme.” Imeria smiled. “This is fortunate, as it has become our role for centuries.” Rue heard murmurs of agreement throughout the chamber.
“It will be a boy,” Rue acknowledged, with slight disappointment. “He was conceived before the antidote was released.”
“Then he will be the first son of a new era, Rue,” Isari declared proudly.
Imeria and the mothers looked into the fountain, gazing at a future scene the warriors and Rue could not see. She gave Rue a warm smile. “Be well, and you will know when it is time to return here.” Imeria looked up at her son. “Do not let her try to manipulate you,” she warned. “The babes are so small there is no enjoyment you need to withhold until her time to return to the Temple.”
Rue’s mouth fell open and Isari saw her eyes drop to his cock. No way was she going to allow his huge, slamming rod anywhere near her baby. Isari leaned down and whispered, “You have other accessible orifices.”
Rue’s bottom clenched in panic and her lips sealed for a moment. She quickly stood, and said, “You just stay away from my other orifices.” The ancients were still laughing quietly when the couple was led from the chamber.
When they exited the quartz halls, there was a full consortium of warriors gathered at the entrance. Varpin was helping Dawn down from his hizbin. “You too?” Rue asked.
Dawn paled. “I don’t understand how I could feel this so quickly.”
“The mothers will explain it,” Rue said. “And it will make you feel better to hear it from them. Are you all right?”
Dawn smiled up at Varpin. “I feel like a princess,” Dawn gushed. “I even have escorts.” She grinned at her rebel warriors who were standing proudly, finally having a mission deserving of their training.
It took a week for Ebby to gather the Frital Union, decipher through the treachery, and have the responsible parties brought to their knees. The Royals were shocked and disgusted to have the abusive families among their ranks, and after swiftly initiating exile, they worked with an alliance of the Frital Union and Harvesting Procurement to reclaim all of the exotic Primitives that had been commissioned to other divisions of the Realm.
There were cheers and emotional reunions as the frightened women were brought to the protection of Lameria. Rue and Dawn insisted on an organized meeting for their transition. After their terrifying and confusing time as companions to strange aliens, even the thought of the fierce warriors was slightly calming. Rue explained the claiming, and reassured them with the mention of the affects of the saragus. Dawn explained the lay of the land, animals, and edible vegetation.
Warriors waited outside the bar, shuffling their feet and wondering which companion Rue and Dawn would decide was compatible to them. The unusual situation had caused them to bow to the women’s demands on the issue.
After Rue and Dawn were satisfied the women understood, they noted the excited look in their eyes. One of the women asked, “And we get a two hour head start, right?”
“Two hours,” Rue agreed. “These guys are very committed to their rules. Just make eye contact with the one you want, and take off.” Rue laughed. “Don’t be too hard on them. They’re easily confused in this state.”
Rue and Dawn exited the cave, and the warriors watched the entrance, rubbing their stiff cocks and wondering which of the beautiful creatures was decided for them. Rue said, “Now, we have told them the lay of the land and safe food and animals. Good luck with your chase, warriors.”
There were panicked gasps. “No. They can’t be set free to run among the rocks.”
“And there is the river,” another terrified voice called out.
“The women have agreed to be companions, but only for the warrior strong and strategic enough to claim her. As per your own ritual, you do not expect a proud Lamerian female to meekly grovel at her Master’s feet. Stand aside, warriors, and let the chase begin,” Rue declared.
She watched the women dressed in shalus and terson boots slowly emerge from the cave. Some were bold and their eyes searched for Officers; some were shy and found younger warriors. It was an amazing connection built into their genes, and Rue realized she could never have compatibly been claimed by anyone other than Isari.
The poor men were in a passionate frenzy by the time Rue and Dawn released them to run. How exciting to see such an arousing mating ritual unfold! Isari’s own cock pressed into her back as he wrapped his arms under her breasts and pulled her against him.
“Want another go
at this?” he murmured. The thought of another claiming chase excited him.
Rue knew exactly where she wanted to hide. “Give me a fifteen minute head start.” She turned her head up to kiss him, noting that his eyes were filled with as much heated desire as her own. “I don’t want to wait for you longer than that,” she giggled.
Rue took off at a sprint, leaving her warrior gazing lustily after her with his sack filling and tightening with desire for her. She ran up the rocks and turned south towards the river. Her chest was heaving and sweat trickled between her breasts, forming an almost reflective sheen on her body while her terson-booted feet raced along the dirt and she avoided the rocks. Her shalu swept across her bottom, and she felt the protective restraint of the black cuffs on her wrists and ankles and the collar locked around her neck.
There was a growl from behind her. She knew this was not an animal. It was Isari. Rue could hear the water now, crashing over boulders and spilling into the river. Beneath the waterfall was the cave. The roaring water acted like a curtain, hiding both the vision and the screams of whatever would happen in the alcove. She scrambled along the wet rocks and stood still in the dimly lit cavern, watching the sheet of water and panting; sucking in quick gasping breaths.
Oh, god. He did not sidle along the edge of the rocks. His giant, muscular form walked through the spray. Isari’s dark eyes narrowed, still focused with determination, but crinkling at the sides in slight amusement. Rue backed up, slowly edging to the rear wall until she felt the rough rocks against her bottom. He came closer, and her eyes were drawn to the erection outlined in his tight breeches. Oh, god.
Rue stared at his eyes again. The only thing left in their shining black depths was lust. Lust and desire. Desire for her. Desire for her pain. He crushed against her, flattening her breasts against his massive chest wall, grinding his hips into hers so hard that she was sure his cock was bruising her. His fist gripped through her hair, forcing her head back so he could look at her fear. Moaning. She was moaning into his mouth, because his lips were pressed against hers and his tongue demanded her surrender.
He let go of her hair and she raised her hands to hold the sides of his head to force him closer, to try to regain some control. He would not allow it. Never would Isari allow this, and he grabbed her shalu, whisking it up her body and tossing it to the ground. He gripped her wrists, pulling them over her head and locking her cuffs to the chains in the wall. Rue’s whimpers were drowned inside his kiss.
His hand slid over her breast, twisting her pebbled nipple until she shrieked into his mouth. The hand trailed lower, across her naked pussy and separating her bald lips to stroke her wet slit. She pressed her pussy into his hand, rubbing and grinding herself against his strong hand and feeling his finger brushing her clit, forcing her to want him.
He stepped back, staring into her half closed eyes and watching her wanton thrusting into his hand. He shook his head and water sprayed across her body from the long, soaking strands, and then he reached up to the wall beside her. Oh, god.
As soon as Rue had stumbled across the cave, she remembered her Florida dream. It was from her last night on Earth… the night the harvesting collar had circled her throat. Isari had been her destiny from the beginning.
Isari uncoiled the whip and her eyes fixed on it, darted to his for the briefest instant, and then back to the whip while she obediently spread her legs. His powerful arm drew back and she stared at the whip, begging it to lash out. The moment drew out, impossible torment, and she moaned again, finally looking into his eyes and pleading. It was what he was waiting for and the whip snapped forward at blinding speed, a singeing burn across her belly while her passion leaked onto her thigh. Her scream was muffled indeed by the waterfall.
It was the first time Isari whipped her, though he never left more than a lightly bruising welt. He caressed her with such adulation afterwards that Rue became excited when she considered their games. Most of his tortures involved bringing her to a frustratingly heated passion and need to climax, that by the time she enveloped his cock inside her she was wild with desire.
The other women were settling with warriors who had to be calmed from the overprotective nature of the fear of losing their true companions. Ebby was thrilled when the Royals and Frital Union gave her the enormous honor and challenge of procuring the women from the primitive planet who still had a pure enough Lamerian bloodline to be compatible. There were only seven hundred and three of them left, and two hundred and thirty-nine had to be sent back as physically incapable of accepting the warriors’ size.
Ebby and Rue discussed this on the holograph, and they agreed that a few more generations away from Lameria could have made the crucial difference between replenishing the planet… and extinction.
Rue awoke one morning and stretched. There was an immediate twinge and tightening in her stomach, which had rounded to cover a small bulge. Isari insisted on keeping his wide hand over his child whenever he sat Rue in his lap or stood or lay beside her. The child fluttered under his palm and he shook with pride. “Isari,” Rue whispered. “It’s time to see your mother.”
Isari’s hair was in wild disarray while he argued she should not ride a hizbin. He would carry her to the Birthing Temple. “Fine,” Rue said in exasperation. “I hope you can get there in an hour, or you’ll be carrying both me and your child.” Isari blanched, and quickly left to saddle a bird.
Rue was staring into the fountain, watching Isari pace at the entrance to the Temple like a most devoted father in waiting. He snarled at the guards for information, and Rue caught the two warriors grinning at each other while the Commander thundered back and forth at the entrance.
“Oh,” Rue gasped. She was lying naked on pillows, with three of the ancients surrounding her. Imeria knelt between her thighs, while one woman held her head in her lap and stroked her brow. Rue could feel the fluttering within the woman’s belly and she realized that the ancient was close to term. The third woman massaged her breasts, encouraging her milk. Rue sighed and turned back to watch her distraught warrior.
There was a rush of fluid and a bulging, popping sensation. “Oooh,” Rue gasped in surprise.
Imeria was smiling while tears washed down her face. The woman stopped massaging Rue’s breasts to look. A sob escaped her lips, and she helped Imeria gently wash the tiny baby with a bowl of water from the warm fountain. Imeria said, “Mothers, come.”
The ancients rose slowly and made their way to the Birthing pallet. Everyone was crying, and Rue asked fearfully, “Is my baby all right?”
Imeria managed strangled words as she turned the small pink form. “Your daughter is beautiful.” Imeria placed the small baby at Rue’s breast.
As it began to search and suckle, Rue asked, “How? We did not disperse the antidote until the next morning.”
Imeria was still softly crying. “You were bred from the bloodline immune to the plague. I sensed the change in the babe when I saw you, but I still could not dare to hope.” She looked at the other ancients. “You have released us, Rue. After we deliver our sons, we can join our warrior mates.”
Rue named her daughter after her grandmother, and Imeria was overwhelmed with the honor. The baby grew quickly into a strong bronze-skinned girl with Rue’s blonde hair and her father’s intense dark eyes. Isari held the child in his arms, cooing ridiculous sounds of love and straightening with fierce protective pride beside Rue.
Dawn also produced a daughter, with the blue eyes Varpin adored set against the warrior’s startling black hair. He was almost fretful with his attempts to strategize their safety, and he followed Dawn on her journeys to search the plants and animals and introduce them to Sharlan. Her daughter squealed with delight when she clutched through the pink folds of a vistan’s forehead. Varpin practically passed out when he saw the danger his females were in.
Ebby arrived a week later and made an infrequent on-planet transport. She gave the new women a mild dose of dripanian, while Rue and Dawn… along with se
veral other mated companions… explained the plants and animals on Lameria and the claiming ritual.
Isari followed behind with Imeria in his arms. His mother had been the last to let go of her life on Lameria, and the three of them had been by her side when her eyes closed a final time. Instinctively, eleven of the situated companions understood they were to help with delivery for the new generations. They would be summoned when they were needed, and there would always be three on planet to help.
“The Frital Union passed the okay to have the children on the ships,” Ebby said. “Of course, when I told them you suggested that the Lamerian warriors would abandon the Realm if they were ordered separated from their companions again… well, it left them no choice.”
“Isari loves being on planet, but I can sense his need to get back to the battleship,” Rue said. “You know, I don’t worry about having the children there. We will have one birthing mother to help on the ships with companions, though things will change as our daughters grow and all warriors are claimed.”
Isari stopped tickling Imeria’s chin, and he looked towards his companion’s back. “I claimed you,” he reminded her.
Rue rolled her eyes. “Yes, Master.”
Ebby stopped and took Rue’s hands. She turned them to stare at her small palms. “I was so scared when I saw how diminutive in stature and how fragile you were. It broke my heart to turn down another species for our protectors. Garnell and I celebrated after you passed physical compatibility, Rue. So many things surrounding your harvest have impacted all these lives.”
“I despised you,” Rue blurted. She began laughing. “Then, I despised that horrible jailer who force fed us that goop.”
“Tripton and his brother are the last of their kind,” Ebby said. “Isari’s ship found them on a faltering rogue vessel. They are the last Quirithas to survive. It was a terrible blow, and Isari was in a deep depression considering his own species extinction. He insisted they be brought to my ship in hopes I could find a way to replenish them. In that, I am sorry to say, I have failed.”